Thursday, September 29, 2005

Flickr Bully -- CharlieBrown8989

I am appending the following email from Flickr for your reading.

I am working hard to develope my contacts online. Then they bullied me suspended.

This is harrasement, bully.

Yahoo Senior management shall look into these!!

Hello My Friends

Today, I am given a email by a girl call Ana from Flickr:-

[Flickr Case 35709] Re: About your Flickr account

Hi Charlie,

We are currently evaluating limits on how many contacts a
member can add. You currently have over 10,000 contacts
and the number seems to be growing. I ask at this time
that you begin removing contacts from your list.

We will be putting a limit in place very soon and instead
of us just dumping your contacts, it would probably be
better if you started selecting which ones you prefer to

Please respond to this email address so I know you've read
and understood this request.

Thank you,
Ana & The Flickr Team

This is getting too much!!

I am sure this is against the human rights. & suppression of minority!!

Moreover this is America!!

This is my friendly advise the Flickr team should stop doing things like these.

Jerry Yang, I am sure this is your job to look at the things now!!

I appreciate that...