Tuesday, November 13, 2007
African Scam 419 - Petroleum Agency of Sao Tome & Principe
Report them to your local authority, if you receiving the same.
I am Richard Phillips Adie. I work with the Petroleum Agency of Sao Tome & Principe. I am presently the Director of Europe Operations working at the London office. I am trying to use my position to influence a quick registration of a company to become an agent to the Petroleum Agency of Sao Tome & Principe. The duty is to source for end buyers of crude and bring them to the Petroleum Agency and after the end buyers make purchase you will receive $2.00 commission from the Petroleum Agency and receive another $1.00 from the end buyers as "Mandate". So if at the end of every month we are able to sale up to 2 million barrels, we are sure of 6million dollars every month. I am proposing to you and if you feel it will be beneficial to you and your company then we can go ahead. Its a straight forward business and I can assure you of the legitimacy.
Please indicate your interest by a return e-mail:
Richard Phillips Adie
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Knowledge Base Economy & e-Networking
The following is my comments & advice to my fan's on flickr on the above issues.
flickr-Yahoo have over 100millions members now.
10,000views & even 1millions views is nothing.
So far only on flickr then one can have that experience of high view rates.
On the records there is one ex-account, he have 10millions views in about Over 10months. All his post are on Sexy; Voluptuous young girls. However, now he is no longer on flickr.
In my opinion; views rates is not importance.
The most importance is that the relationship that built for the loyal fan's & friend's keep coming back. In the long run through the network, hope that fruitful result could be generated & perhaps they gives you some good referrals for some serious business.
That is the key on the social networking in the old time & also e-sphere.
We are all in the knowledge base economy now; the way to survive is to produce the usable or applicable info products & services in exchange for living.
With the information over flow & overloaded world. Each knowledge that you owned; only have marginal difference & focus in the digital era. So you can imagine how competitive in the dog eat dog market on the web-sphere.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
flickr Architecture
As a big fan's & support of flickr, I always have the perception on flickr is not just a photo management site.
To me it is a super search engine & database engine.
Now with this link &
You shall be able to have more info on the whole architecture of flickr.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Past-Present-Future of Web
Past-Present-Future of Web
This is the image I download from How the WebOS evolves?? by Nova Spivack. (N.B. Nova have requested that the link is provided here, as he would update these as & when. So please check back & follow this link here.)
Thanks is due to Nova Spivack for putting this image up. I am sure all of you on the web may not be concern about the technicality of the evolutions.
But we are all into the era & it is closely related to our daily lives.
In my own words since 1980's in Nagoya Technology for The future conference.
The over many thousands years of human civilizations have never actually change. The things that happening are with the electronics; communications & Computing Technology.
We are going to redefine our real real estate based on the bits & bytes that we owned. Not the per square foots of real estate that we talking about in the era before present.
As the Web era marching into Web2.0 & web3.0 even as Nova put it here web4.0...etc.
Nothing going to change is the basic model of human communications; networking & Knowledge. Except it would be Very Highly distributed & Highly Intelligence.
With the overflow of informations on the web & search engines, human would need the artificial intelligent to assist in whatever we do, including decision & course of action.
I am sure you would be proud that you are here in the flickr community , actively contributing to the success with the like minds & the flickr-Yahoo team.
The future is certain.
One To All!!
All To One!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wuauclt.exe Error!!
Windows errors related to wuauclt.exe ?
wuauclt.exe is a process managing automatic updates for Microsoft Windows. This process continuously checks for the latest updates and uses the Internet to do so. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.
Note: The wuauclt.exe file is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. In other cases, wuauclt.exe is a virus, spyware, trojan or worm! Check this with......
Certainly, I am very upset like you do with Microsoft business conducts on these low standard of practice.
I am not impress.
According to Gotama, whatever the good deed once do by offering money & kinds would not be excuse from facing own karma due even after death.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Which Way To The Future
In my opinion, Technology certainly redefine the futre of our live.
The issues to address would be on the gap of Digital Have & Have Not".
Another critical issue is the Generals & Cultural conflicts of the Boomers & the X generation.
There would be more jobless, chaos; depressions.
Which Way To The Future?
Globalization and technology are drastically changing how we do our jobs—and that's both a promise and a problem
The "Future of Work" is hardly a new topic. In fact, over the past quarter century, at least 20 books have used that phrase as part or all of their title.
So with all the words spilled on this question already, why is BusinessWeek addressing it now? The answer is simple: The U.S. and the global economies are coming to a crossroads that no one could have anticipated just a few years ago. Globalization and technology together are creating the potential for startling changes in how we do our jobs and the offices we do them in. Offshoring, for one, means work can be broken into smaller tasks and redistributed around the world. And the rapid growth of broader, richer channels of communication—including virtual worlds—is transforming what it means to be "at work."
Yet despite the technological and organizational progress, it's not clear whether we should look ahead to the future of work with enthusiasm or fear. Are Americans' jobs going to become more interesting and complex as rote tasks are moved offshore or eliminated by technology? Or will managers and workers be ground down by competitive pressures that leave little time or room for creativity and innovation?
Truth is, the trends prevailing in today's workplace provide ammunition for optimists and pessimists alike.
On the positive side, employers are hiring workers with higher and higher levels of education, and jobs are demanding ever more sophistication. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 34% of adult workers in the U.S. now have a bachelor's degree or better, up from 29% 10 years ago. What's more, the modern workplace no longer resembles the factory assembly line but rather the design studio, where the core values are collaboration and innovation, not mindless repetition. Talented people are still in high demand, and there's no evidence yet that work has become less interesting because of outsourcing. "On balance, I don't think that jobs are being fragmented," says Paul Osterman, a labor economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Fully 60% of respondents to a BusinessWeek poll expect working conditions for the average person to be better in 10 years than they are now. That's according to an online survey of 2,000 U.S. executives and managers done in late June and early July. And in the same poll, 82% of respondents said that self-fulfillment will be a more powerful motivator than fear if we look 10 years out.
Then again, there are persistent signs that the gloomier outlook is gaining traction as well. Job satisfaction in the U.S. plummeted in 2006 to a record low. That's according to a survey of 5,000 households done for the Conference Board. Only 47% of workers were satisfied with their jobs in 2006, down from 59% in 1995. "The demands in the workplace have increased tremendously," says Lynn Franco, director of consumer research for the Conference Board, especially as technology has made it ever harder to get away from the job.
Even more disturbing, two decades of rising incomes for educated workers seem to have come to a halt, at least temporarily. When adjusted for inflation, the real wages and salaries of U.S. workers with at least a bachelor's degree are barely higher than they were in 2000, an unpleasant surprise in a world in which education is seen as the route to success.
The wage stagnation, combined with the 60% rise in college tuitions since 2000, seems to be discouraging many young Americans from getting a college education. The percentage of 25- 29-year-olds with at least a bachelor's degree has actually fallen during this decade. This raises the real possibility that this generation of young Americans may actually be less educated than the previous one, creating a growing gap between the kinds of people companies need and the workers who are actually available.
What can you do? Whether you are a manager or worker, this Special Report provides the intellectual tools and information you need to move toward the more optimistic vision. We'll look at the future of work—both in the short run and much farther out—from the best way to manage a global virtual team to the pros and cons of branding yourself, to the seemingly farfetched use of brain chips—yes, brain chips—to enhance your capabilities.
The first section examines work from the perspective of managers, focusing in particular on how to get an organization full of people from different cultures and backgrounds to collaborate efficiently and effectively. That's not an easy task, but we'll see how global giants, such as IBM (IBM ), Nokia (NOK ), and Dow Chemical, (DOW ) are able to accomplish it. Meanwhile, successful Indian companies—among them Infosys Technologies Ltd. (INFY ) and Satyam Computer Services (SAY )—demonstrate how they recruit, train, and retain workers in a hyper- competitive environment.
The next section peeks into the future from the perspective of workers. We'll explain how to avoid being "Bangalored" or "Shanghaied"—that is, having pieces of your job sent overseas. Our report's reassuring message: "The offshoring trend is moving with the speed of a road paver rather than a hot rod, so there's time for alert Americans and Europeans to scramble out of the way." That means moving up the value chain to take advantage of new opportunities. It also can mean literally moving from one country to another, as we describe how Europe's mobile labor force easily crosses national borders, perhaps giving a glimpse of where the rest of the world is heading.
Finally, the third section of the Special Report considers the impact of technology on the workplace, ranging from improved telecommuting to new techniques that help sleep-deprived workers, a serious problem in many occupations. In the future, advances in communication could enable new forms of workplace organization and mass collaboration of an unprecedented sort.
Beyond that, we ask: Will this be an invigorating "new world of empowered individuals encased in a bubble of time-saving technologies? Or will it be a brave new world of virtual sweatshops...?" For example, Wikipedia, the tremendously successful online encyclopedia, harnesses the efforts of thousands of volunteers to create something of great utility to society. But using a similar innovation in a profit-making corporation carries both enormous promise and problems.
In fact, the emerging ways that the workplace is being restructured have not yet been stress-tested. They have evolved in a period of rapid global growth, and no one knows how they will react if the world economy hits a rocky patch. We have entered uncharted territory—and that's why this special report offers guideposts rather than a Google-esque road map.
Still, when the future of work comes to pass, will it be a bright or bleak one for most people? "I'll be optimistic," says MIT'sOsterman. We are, too.
By Michael Mandel
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
www.mobicious.com Steal CharlieBrown8989 Works from www.flickr.com/charliebrown8989/ - 2
www.mobicious.com Steal CharlieBrown8989 Works from www.flickr.com/charliebrown8989/ - 2, originally uploaded by CharlieBrown8989.
Today, I have been informed my Markus that, he found my images have been stolen by www.mabicious.com
There are help forum http://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/43447/ on flickr covering these.
However, till now, flickr staff said they are "looking at It"
Monday, June 18, 2007
Yahoo's Semel Resigns as Chief Amid Google's Gains (Update2)
Yahoo's Semel Resigns as Chief Amid Google's Gains (Update2)
By Jonathan Thaw
June 18 (Bloomberg) -- Yahoo! Inc. Chief Executive Officer Terry Semel, who revived the company after the Internet bust before being surpassed by Google Inc., stepped down.
The stock gained 4 percent after Yahoo named co-founder Jerry Yang its CEO and said Susan Decker, who had been an executive vice president, will become president. Semel, 64, will be chairman, Yahoo said in a statement today.
This is expected, when I covering my opinion about the flickr censorship & No action from Terry Semel.
In the field of Business & eBusiness & eCommerce, there is no difference in priciple actually.
"Customers" is still the key for the success. It is unwise to get into both the company & the national political issues.
They should work things on the professional & ethical level.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
flickr members are Minority!! - Yahoo Result for Year 2006
Yahoo cash reserve: US$ 1.57 Billion (2006)
Yahoo total assets: US$ 11.51 Billion (2006)
Yahoo working capital: US$ 2.28 Billion (2006)
Yahoo CEO salary package last year: more than US107 million (or $274,000 per day)
Yes flickr member be it me or even the country that who are on the front line of protest - Germany are minority.
I have attended the Google University online, Google estimate that the cost per click for user when clicking on the adv. is
All search engine rely on the customer eyes balls & clicking to get revenue.
Beside that , the flickr user contributing their contains online become the assets for Yahoo-flickr to define their digital real Estate spaces net worth. Which the contributor have got nothing in return.
In my over 2 years of posting on flickr, I am yet to find a contact really help me for the real income generation.
However, in the 60's & 70's I do found that the tradition clan or Business networking Association really help each other to brings in income.
So that is where eCommunity development is still not exactly what i sounded during the meet 90's on the G8 Worldwide Electronic Market place & The CommerceNet.
THE FLICK UNIVERSE HAS YOU BLOCKED!! NO ONE CAN SEE YOUR STUFF!!! Revolt Over Flickr Image Restrictions in developed countires-its not just China-GERMANY AND S. KOREANS OUTRAGED!!!!
THE FLICK UNIVERSE HAS YOU BLOCKED!! NO ONE CAN SEE YOUR STUFF!!! Revolt Over Flickr Image Restrictions in developed countires-its not just China-GERMANY AND S. KOREANS OUTRAGED!!!!, originally uploaded by gailorenstein.
THE FLICK UNIVERSE HAS YOU BLOCKED!! NO ONE CAN SEE YOUR STUFF!!! Revolt Over Flickr Image Restrictions in developed countires-its not just China-GERMANY AND S. KOREANS OUTRAGED!!!!
It was supposed to be simple. Riding on the success of its U.S.-based photo-sharing site Flickr, Yahoo rolled out country-specific versions of its site in order to bring its popular photo-sharing community to users in their native languages.
But when the sites went live in Germany, Korea and Singapore, something was wrong. Users in these countries saw a different version of Flickr--one where the content filters were locked on "Safe," preventing access to content flagged "Moderate" or "Restricted."
There was no warning on the company blog. No message to the users. And now what seemed like a straightforward move towards expansion has snowballed into one of the largest user revolts the site has ever seen.
Most of the ire has stemmed from German users. With photos displaying everything from artistic nudes to historic Nazi memorabilia getting the axe, its users have been the most vocal about Flickr's recent move. But what started as puzzlement quickly turned to confusion and anger.
The site has fairly clear guidelines as to how content is filtered. So why weren't its users (many of whom are consenting adults) allowed to control the filters? For the first day this question remained unanswered from the site's management.
"I just have carefully read [the Flickr ToS], line by line," remarked a Flickr user in an online forum, "and I found no hint about what may cause this to happen. I can only assume that there is someone running mad. And I demand a clear and lucid explanation by Flickr staff."
Meanwhile, the revolt went into full swing as German users began uploading literally thousands of anti-Flickr pictures over the course of the first 24 hours. As pictures continued to pop up under the tag "thinkflickrthink," uneasiness started to set in amongst the users. How long was Flickr going to go without addressing this?
News came on Wednesday by way of a statement from Flickr's cofounder Stewart Butterfield: "We really apologize for the delay in responding to these threads. ... We have absolutely no intention of censoring the content on the community's behalf. It is always been our intention that Flickr members participate to whatever extent they want and are as free as possible create their own experience.."
Although this statement showed that the issue was finally on Flickr's radar, German users still felt that the site's actions lacked a motive. It wasn't until Thursday that Community Manager, Heather Champ went on the record to state Flickr's case: "The central problem is that Germany has much more stringent age verification laws than its neighboring countries," she said. She went on to describe the risks of breaking these laws as "much harsher penalties, including jail time, for those with direct responsibility."
Even if Flickr's moves stem from legal concerns, its cardinal sin has less to do with legality and more with communication. Limiting the expression of your users is something that could be feasibly tolerated--given that a temporary timetable and viable reason are cited. But when the user base is left in the dark, and it happens to be a large, well-connected community equipped with the ability to broadcast its message quickly, the stakes are raised. When Digg faced a similar scenario in May, it was Kevin Rose's address to the users that helped quell the HD DVD rebellion. In the case of Flickr, this same type of transparency will need to be employed to prevent its community from scattering.
Flickr officials have not responded to Wired News' requests for comment, other than to point out the statements they have already made on the public forums.
Photo: vanson
sOURCE; blog.wired.com/business/2007/06/german_users_in.html
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 17 Jun 07, 2.45AM PDT.
spacer image
Compose your blog entry
Your Post:
As the 6,000 years old Chinese Saying:
Evils Would Not Win Over Righteous!!
Rock Will Not Win Over Water!!
The Western Saying
Without Adam & Without Eve
There are No Men & Women Today!!
Water is 75% in Our Body!!
Water is 75% on Earth!!
When Gail & those individual flickr site have been deleted, suspended or blocked.. That is just few individual.
However, with the recent events & the eCommunity era Informations flow like water, then one shall see the effect of it.
The Kuwait War is not won by military actions, it is won by the Informations war & High Tech Star War!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Flickr = Censorship
The following is from Thomas Hawk:
Flickr = Censorship
[I'm CEO of Zooomr]
Well it is with great disappointment that I found myself yet again a victim of censorship on Flickr. Earlier today while engaging in a debate about Flickr's recent censorship in Germany I had over a dozen of my comments permanently deleted out of a debate by Flickr staff.
You can see the references to my involvement in the debate here and here among other places.
It's ironic that of all places that Flickr would choose to censor me would be in a thread protesting their censorship. And without any warning even or explanation.
This is not the first time I've been censored by Flickr.
The points that I was making in my debate about censorship on Flickr had a lot to do with what I see as problems at Yahoo. The fact that their CEO is the highest paid CEO in the United States, the fact that Yahoo 2 days ago rejected an important shareholder proposal denouncing censorship. And yes this most recent issue of censorship where people in Germany can only access Flickr in "safe mode."
Now some might say that it's not right for me as a competitor to Yahoo to be critical of their practices. But let me point you to the screen shot above. It comes from Flickr employee Dunstan Orchard's public zipline on Zooomr. Dunstan and other Flickr employees have been on Zooomr disparaging our site for the past week. So to me it seems a tad hypocritical that when I legitimately object to censorship on Flickr that I would have my words censored, while Flickr staff seems to feel that it's perfectly appropriate to disparage Zooomr over at Zooomr.
It's not right. And what Flickr doesn't understand is that by censoring your critic you only make him stronger. I'm sure it's probably only a matter of time before I get kicked off of Flickr entirely. All my photographs destroyed and deleted as well. Over 40,000 comments from many good friends.
This is the difference though between me and Flickr. When Dunstan and other Flickr employees disparaged Zooomr I let their words stand. Rather than censor them, I took the high road and did not. Meanwhile Flickr continues to build a name for itself: Flickr = censorship. Silencing me will not change this and it's a sad state of affairs to see happen to the Flickr that I once loved so much and that even now professes to "love me" on the little icon above my page.
Censorship is borne out of fear and weakness. This is something always to remember.
Uploaded by Thomas Hawk on 14 Jun 07, 3.24AM PDT.
The following is my comments:
I have been a supporter of flickr like TH all along. Although I have a Zooomr account, but I am not too active.
To me, These events are a history repeated by itself of flickr-Yahoo.
Yahoo - flickr = Yahoo!
TH is a user of flickr. However, flickr have the Supreme God & goddess. Whom decide who should be censored; block or deleted...etc.
I have experience that since Sept 29, 2005 till today.
To me flickr is a great photo management community, but over time the Power - politics seem to be happening in both internal & external which are the "customers".
If the management on the top is assuming the imperialism management or authoritarian style then e-gangsterism or e-hooliganism would born naturally.
TH is good heart by sounding out for flickr to improve. It means well & good. However, that is not really appreciated as my earlier experiences.
Perhaps it is the same as what I have been served & f-team God think that it is a threat to their existence.
Especially, TH have commented at his own flickr. Which they have the power to do what they want. Anytime a violating the TOS can just created. & then they can exercise their power.
flickr junior staffs messing at Zooomr site are totally un-professional in the web2.0 era.
In my opinion, Yahoo CEO Terry Semel should need to come forward to the front to assume the leadership to iron out those censorship issue including Germany, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea & also those blockage, suspensions, deletions, harassments; oppressions; bully to the Yahoo customers..etc. before it is too late.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
flickr sperrt uns aus! Und auch dich!
Seit gestern werden für deutsche Nutzer keine Bilder mehr angezeigt, die als 'moderate' oder 'restricted' markiert sind! Es gibt keine Möglichkeit das umzustellen - das ist eine grobe Unverschämtheit und Frechheit von flickr!
Lade dieses Bild runter und poste es in deinem Account! Lass uns das Bild überall auf flickr verteilen und es in 'Interestingness' heben!! So geht es nicht!
Original Version: farm2.static.flickr.com/1299/543864623_7aadef1e69_o.jpg
Weitere Infos:
- www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/91085
- www.flickr.com/groups/404938@N23/discuss/72157600347681500/
- www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/42597/
- www.flickr.com/groups/keine_zensur/
- www.flickr.com/groups/againstcensorship
If your Yahoo! ID is based in Singapore, Germany, Hong Kong or Korea you will only be able to view safe content based on your local Terms of Service so won’t be able to turn SafeSearch off. In other words, german users can not access photos on flickr that are not flagged "safe" ... only flowers and landscapes for germans ...Copy and upload this picture to your account - show flickr who we are!
Uploaded by HamburgerJung on 13 Jun 07, 10.09AM PDT.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Yahoo Chief Terry Semel : Please Read: Flickr's new censorship system
Rock On Malingering*
Yeah having Photos deemed Unsafe kinda Sucks or having 1 Photo Deleted like Rebekka did - but these Pale in comparison to the Travesty of Gail Orenstein*
Yeah it's Sad n Pathetic*
Twits + Hypocrites are Flickr!!
Whattabout Gail Orenstein + Flickr Deleting her entire Account & amazing Body of Work of over 3,400 Photographs + over 1 Million Views + over 20,000 Comments from all her Flickr Fans!! A bloody outrage!!
Gail's Work incorporated behind the scenes Photos of Strippers in their Work environment so yes that meant shots of bOObies but nothing Pornographic* She would post the Top World Headlines of the Day concerning things that All People should Care about like Bush's Illegal War in Iraq + the Pope banning Condoms for African Women etc. Like Rebekka said - this sparked lively Political + Social Discussion - some of the Smartest insights to be found anywhere on Flickr & poof it's all gone!!
A bloody outrage!!
Even Professional Recreationalist who tried to setup a Flickr Customer Union had the Group Deleted + all the comments!!
It goes right to the Top of Flickr with Stewart ButterMyAsshole + his SheWolf of the SS sidekick Heather Chump! Their Arrogance knows No Bounds!!
I was actually gleeful with scheudenfreude to hear Miss Chump got the Boot from JPG Mag!! Pompous Twit!! ;))
atanyrate i've been NIPSA + none of my Photos show up Publicly on Flickr for over a year - yeah i've posted about 12 Nudes (fer a Joke) but I also Speak my Mind - last I heard Freedom of Speech was still a good thing in America!!
The ONLY reason any of us still stay at Flickr is cuz all our Friendz our there & frankly it is still an awesome Web2.0 website*
Otherwise people would be over to Zoomr in a heartbeat*
Cheers Hawk + Malingering + Everybody fer having the Courage to SPEAK UP!! Billy Warhol ;))
[24] Posted by: BillyWarhol | May 19, 2007 11:42 AM
[I am CEO of Zooomr]
Thanks for telling your story as well. Even though higher profile cases like yours and Rebekka's, Kris Krug's (Flickr took down a cease and desist letter he got from a photographer who was ripping him off), mine etc. get attention, just imagine how many people this happens to all the time at Flickr who have no recourse.
The problem is that Flickr just does not take their responsibility of censoring seriously. They censor willy nilly and your case is but another example. When it's a high enough profile case they fix and issue but another hollow apology as they have done in your case.
Flickr says that in the future that they will err on the side of "caution" with regards to censorship but refuses to outline what steps they will specifically take to ensure that they follow through with their promises. Heather Champ, Flickr's Community manager says that because you agree to Flickr's terms of service that when they delete your stuff that it "is not and cannot be viewed as censorship."
Heck, they refuse to even admit that they censored me despite sending me a threatening email threating to shut down my account.
What makes it worse is that rather than have a serious debate about how to make Flickr a better and less censored place, Flickr Chief Stewart Butterfield would rather write PR spin comments on my blog "challenging" me to write that child porn would be ok into Zooomr's TOS.
You know I have a blog on blogger (owned by Google). I'm sure somewhere in their TOS I've agreed to give them some power over my blog. But you know what? If blogger ever came and deleted a blog post I wrote I'd be just as pissed. Blogger is every bit a platform for ideas as Flickr is.
Thanks for blogging your story and raising more awareness on this important topic.
Power to the people.
Thomas Hawk
[29] Posted by: Thomas Hawk | May 19, 2007 5:58 PM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
In my opinion, Yahoo acquistion of flickr & integrating flickr into Yahoo Business is inevitable.
I have commented earlier on the need for Yahoo to consolidate its Business unit's.
It is a natural process yahoo need to take to clean up the house & change it business & operating structures from time to time.
Please read more about the original write up & comments:
Yahoo Vs flickr View Rates
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Threats stifle female bloggers!! Sexual harassment on the rise in blogosphere-As women gain visibility in the blogosphere, they are targets of sexual harassment and threats. Men are harassed too, and lack of civility is an abiding problem on the Web.
Threats stifle female bloggers!! Sexual harassment on the rise in blogosphere-As women gain visibility in the blogosphere, they are targets of sexual harassment and threats. Men are harassed too, and lack of civility is an abiding problem on the Web., originally uploaded by gailorenstein.
Threats stifle female bloggers!! Sexual harassment on the rise in blogosphere-As women gain visibility in the blogosphere, they are targets of sexual harassment and threats. Men are harassed too, and lack of civility is an abiding problem on the Web.
Photo-Gail orenstein-Threats stifle some female bloggers
Sexual harassment on the rise in blogosphere
Updated: 1:08 a.m. ET April 30, 2007
A female freelance writer who blogged about the pornography industry was threatened with rape. A single mother who blogged about "the daily ins and outs of being a mom" was threatened by a cyber-stalker who claimed that she beat her son and that he had her under surveillance. Kathy Sierra, who won a large following by blogging about designing software that makes people happy, became a target of anonymous online attacks that included photos of her with a noose around her neck and a muzzle over her mouth.
As women gain visibility in the blogosphere, they are targets of sexual harassment and threats. Men are harassed too, and lack of civility is an abiding problem on the Web. But women, who make up about half the online community, are singled out in more starkly sexually threatening terms -- a trend that was first evident in chat rooms in the early 1990s and is now moving to the blogosphere, experts and bloggers said.
More technology news
A 2006 University of Maryland study on chat rooms found that female participants received 25 times as many sexually explicit and malicious messages as males. A 2005 study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that the proportion of Internet users who took part in chats and discussion groups plunged from 28 percent in 2000 to 17 percent in 2005, entirely because of the exodus of women. The study attributed the trend to "sensitivity to worrisome behavior in chat rooms."
Story continues below ↓
Joan Walsh, editor in chief of the online magazine Salon, said that since the letters section of her site was automated a year and a half ago, "it's been hard to ignore that the criticisms of women writers are much more brutal and vicious than those about men."
Arianna Huffington, whose Huffington Post site is among the most prominent of blogs founded by women, said anonymity online has allowed "a lot of those dark prejudices towards women to surface." Her site takes a "zero tolerance" policy toward abusive and excessively foul language, and employs moderators "24/7" to filter the comments, she said.
Sierra, whose recent case has attracted international attention, has suspended blogging. Other women have censored themselves, turned to private forums or closed comments on blogs. Many use gender-neutral pseudonyms. Some just gut it out. But the effect of repeated harassment, bloggers and experts interviewed said, is to make women reluctant to participate online -- undercutting the promise of the Internet as an egalitarian forum.
Robert Scoble, a technology blogger who took a week off in solidarity with Sierra, said women have told him that harassment is a "disincentive" to participate online. That, he said, will affect their job prospects in the male-dominated tech industry. "If women aren't willing to show up for networking events, either offline or online, then they're never going to be included in the industry," he said.
The treatment of women online is not just an equivalent of what happens offline, some women say. The Internet allows the content to be seen immediately, often permanently and far more widely than a remark scribbled on a restroom wall.
"The sad thing is, I've had thousands of messages from women saying, 'You were a role model for me,' " Sierra said in an interview, describing communications she received after suspending her blog. Sierra was the first woman to deliver a keynote speech at a conference on the Linux operating system. Her blog was No. 23 in the Technorati.com Top 100 list of blogs, measured by the number of blogs that linked to her site.
Her Web site, Creating Passionate Users, was about "the most fluffy and nice things," she said. Sierra occasionally got the random "comment troll," she said, but a little over a month ago, the posts became more threatening. Someone typed a comment on her blog about slitting her throat and ejaculating. The noose photo appeared next, on a site that sprang up to harass her. On the site, someone contributed this comment: "the only thing Kathy has to offer me is that noose in her neck size."
CONTINUED_SOURCE: www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18386900/
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 1 May '07, 12.24pm PDT.
Posted 2 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
Gail this is what I refered as eGansterism & eHooliganism!!
The Bullies goes internet.
It is the traditional Communities & societies goes on to the dark side!!
The action is just like the triads & Gangsters & Marfias turn to websphere!!I have mentioned these in my peech in the late 80's & 90's.
Therefore, a truely independent governant body need to regulate the internet.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thank you very much for your support-i am deeply saddened to say that i am receiving e-mails from other flickr members that had their accounts taken down without any notification or warning-i lost 20,000 comments and 153 testimonials and 3,453 photos that i am working hard to rebuild-
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 30 Apr '07,
Posted 4 hours ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
I understand that they are few fotolog ex-staffs are on the flickr team!!
Well even before Mar 4th, 2007 I start to post Artsy nudes to conduct study & research about view rates.
But I was suspended & NIPSA.
So there is not much difference rights??
You need to be in the book of The flickr god & evils, then you would be OK!!
That means that in the good book.
I did the research, all major search engines their revenue are from Porn & Sex sites.
So that is the truth of the whole truth that only the emperor & king is in control.!!
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
I s lots of hard works.
Our resources, our times, energy.... is lots of monetary terms involved while helpping Yahoo-flickr to have contents for their members!!
We are not getting our ROI.
Just attended the Search engine university on ROI of cost per click.
Some of the cost per click are over $127 you see that.
Even for me to click on the member's here, there is the cost on each & it is on us, they become rich!!
So porn site paid as high as $30.00 per click to the search engine.
Now you see that our work are invalueable & we give it for free. They make their money, we get stab & kill.
This is the world of Digital Divided, Have & Have Not!!
Internet world is control by medias.
Medias Giants would make love & we suffer!!
Medias Giants at War we suffer too!!
But as the creator's of contents it cannot be always living in poverty.
That is the reason I said:
Change is A constant!!
All would return to emptiness!!
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
I featured this on
Gail is hard works!!
U doing well. one week 10K views
Friday, April 27, 2007
Yahoo China loses lawsuit. Search engine links to sites that carried 229 pirated songs. Sony BMG, Warner Music-" we are pleased". China world's biggest sources of illegally copied products ranging from movies, meds and software
Yahoo China loses lawsuit. Search engine links to sites that carried 229 pirated songs. Sony BMG, Warner Music-" we are pleased". China world's biggest sources of illegally copied products ranging from movies, meds and software, originally uploaded by gailorenstein.
Yahoo China loses lawsuit. Search engine links to sites that carried 229 pirated songs. Sony BMG, Warner Music-" we are pleased". China world's biggest sources of illegally copied products ranging from movies, meds and software
Photo-Gail Oresntein
Associated Press
Yahoo China Loses Music Piracy Case
By JOE McDONALD 04.24.07, 10:16 PM ET
Popular Videos
A court has ruled against Yahoo Inc.'s China arm in a lawsuit that accused it of aiding music piracy, the company and a music industry group said Tuesday.
The ruling came amid U.S. pressure for Beijing to stop rampant copying of music and other goods.
The lawsuit filed by the International Federation of Phonographic Industries accused Yahoo (nasdaq: YHOO - news - people ) China of violating copyrights because its search engine linked to sites that carried 229 pirated songs. It was filed on behalf of 11 recording companies including Sony (nyse: SNE - news - people ) BMG, Warner Music, EMI (other-otc: EMIPY.PK - news - people ) and Universal Vivendi.
"We're very pleased with the outcome," said Leong May Seey, Asia regional director for the federation. "We think it is a step in the right direction in creating a legitimate online music service in China."
The ruling Monday by the No. 2 Intermediate People's Court ordered Yahoo China to pay 210,000 yuan ($27,000) in damages, the official Xinhua News Agency said. Court employees declined to confirm the report or release any other information.
Leong said she did not know the exact damages awarded but said they appeared to be well below the 5.5 million yuan ($700,000) sought.
"We are considering our options with the damages, whether we will appeal or not," Leong said.
Yahoo China said it would appeal and stressed its respect for intellectual property rights.
"We will appeal this decision because we believe Yahoo China's music search service both meets and exceeds the relevant legal standards for intellectual property protection," a company statement said. "An important principle is at stake in this case - search engine operators should not be held liable for content posted on third-party Web sites."
Yahoo China is operated by Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Yahoo's local partner, Alibaba.com, China's biggest online commerce site.
The IFPI filed a similar lawsuit last year against China's most popular search engine, Baidu.com (nasdaq: BIDU - news - people ) Inc. A court ruled in Baidu's favor in November. The IFPI is appealing.
Leong said the IFPI has filed administrative complaints with the Chinese government against other music-linking services and might pursue more lawsuits.
"We will be taking further action in other cases," she said.
China is the world's biggest sources of illegally copied products ranging from Hollywood movies and designer clothing to sporting goods and medications.
Beijing has increased penalties for product pirates and launched repeated crackdowns. But illegally copied music, software, designer handbags and other goods are widely available.
Source; www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2007/04/24/ap3648346.html
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 26 Apr '07, 11.03pm PDT.
osted 54 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
This is not the end.
Just beware of here penalised, there something else arised.
As the Gotama Said:
Here Demised,
There Arising!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Google: 10,000 web pages say Flickr Sucks
This i s a interesting report uploaded by Gail !!
Google: 10,000 web pages say Flickr Sucks
Using a google search on Flickr Suck return about 10,000 results.
Common complaints, Flickr has no concern for issues of their users, vague rules that essentially give Flickr Admins unlimited power to censor, confusing interface, 关闭 工具 条, well it all sucks.
What does not suck about Flickr? Some of the community. Certainly there are some jerks who have no talent and spend their time talking about me and how I should be censored, but they are a perverted minority, but the strenght of connections I have formed with real friends on this group, and the fact Yahoo! corporation (with its billions in Chinese money) can't crush us.
So I guess in the end Flickr does not suck, if by Flickr I mean all of you.
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 26 Apr '07, 1.44am PDT.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Flickr Aborts Gail's Orenstein's original site. Was it the Boobs or the politics?
Flickr Aborts Gail's Orenstein's original site. Was it the Boobs or the politics?, originally uploaded by gailorenstein.
Flickr Aborts Gail's Orenstein's original site. Was it the Boobs or the politics?
Photo Size: Thumb Small Medium Include description
Visit official site for more info and document. Posting this photo to your blog......
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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
jesus christ*
i am livid*
oh mano*
I hope U had yer shit backed up Gail*
it was some of the Best + most enlightening Discussions ever on Flickr*
Hugs Sweetie* Billy xoxoxooooooooooooooo
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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jefray2006 says: name reply / icon reply
Thank you for coming back....the bastard are mad to delete you...
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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bodofotoz Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Seems a consenting adult section is needed. Some things interest me, some don't, but it should be my decision to check it out, or not. No one forced me to read your work, I did because I wanted to. I can see kids need to be weeded out....but to just flip the switch, pull the cord, kill the site for politics, or whatever reason is one sided censorship.
Now if you were writing about say, Yahoo, which owns Flickr, and there stance on censorship concerning the State censorship on the internet, as in China, and such, and their lust for the almighty yen in the Chinese market, bet you'd been shut down a lot sooner. Flicker ain't no democracy. Then...what izit????
I will miss the freedom of speech Gail, and freedom of thought, and ones indivdual aspect of beauty and interests. You put a lot of work into this Flickr thing. I need to back my shit up. Not that it tests the proprietors censorship, but where does this stop? If they don't like ya...they terminate yer account?
Posted 2 hours ago. ( permalink )
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Manhattan Observer Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
I am so sorry Gail and you know how many of us spent countless hours debating each other. We all know there is no real Freedom of Speech in the US or elsewhere just an illusion of it.
Anyway, Your followers are loyal and will find you have no fear and I do hope you somehow kept track of all your contacts?
Posted 88 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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contopuser says: name reply / icon reply
This machine kills fascists.
Posted 73 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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daveinLV says: name reply / icon reply
First of all, I do lament to loss of your site, but you have to remember that flickr is a business---a BIG BUSINESS---especially since the purchase by Yahoo. Freedom of speech is an essential element of the US culture and you can have all you want on your own site. As a part of the big business cog, Flickr will attempt to silence anyone with an opinion contrary to the business of making money. Doesn't matter if it's liberal or conservative, if it detracts from their business, they'll shut you down. And you know what? They have the right to do that.
That said, I will protest to Flickr because I enjoyed to debate on your site. It was rarely personal and always interesting. I come from a more conservative point of view, but I always enjoyed the views of others, whether I agreed with them or not. And I can't see how debates like this or even a few boobs would mean that Flickr's business would be threatened.
So more power to you, Gail. I am going ot spread the word once again!!!
Posted 63 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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gailorenstein Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Well if Flickr is going to censor everyone's discourse and art based on their profit model its probably a good idea to get that information out to the public so they can decide as to the future of Flcikr.
Also I would point out your telephone company does not delete your phone conversations now does it, and blogger is owned by Google and does not engage in this kind of behaviour.
Posted 59 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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BillyWarhol Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Seen on billiondollarbaloney.blogspot.com (?)
Posted 46 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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vangruvie Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
Puritanical Bush (the person) loving dictators!!!!!!! I'm with you Gail.
Posted 42 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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NickFun says: name reply / icon reply
I am outraged! I suspect it was he politics. Though our American government is also decidedly anti-tit.. Fuckr is not the only one cowering before an inflated, paranoid government.
You are not the only one being censored Gail. There is something rotten going on. For the second time in two years my Gmail password has been reset - that was today! I couldn't log on to get my email! In my case it's most probably the US government. They have investigated me before by tapping my email, changing the passcode on my phone - twice! - and Homeland Security under the guise of the FBI even investigated me once for something I had written.
We no longer live in a free society. Our rights are being eroded on a daily basis. "Free speech" has become an antiquated catch phrase. Personally, I don't mind speaking up. I wouldn't mind going to prison for it.
Flickr was once a bastion for free speech. It has since been purchased by a huge conglomerate that no longer respects anything more than its bottom line. "Don't make waves" seems to be the phrase of the day.
Posted 32 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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www.DaveWard.net Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
I don't think it was the politics at all. I'm very sure it was the breasts. Americans are, in general, terribly puritanical and repressed. Tits scare the hell out of most Americans. While we've a tendency to talk tough about terrorism, an exposed nipple sends us screaming in terror.
The fear of sexuality is even more intense when it comes to American businesses. Oh no! Somebody posted a photo that shows a bare breast on the Internet using our company's servers! Oh, goodness! What are we ever to do?
American companies are complete fucking COWARDS about sexuality. Seriously, utter pussies. They're terrified of mammary glands and natural human reproductive systems.
'Cos, you know, mammary glands are such a huge threat, right?
Flickr is dedicated to winning the War On Genitalia.
Posted 16 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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film noir anti-hero Pro User says: name reply / icon reply
I have been enjoying your photo postings. I am sorry you were deleted, Ms. Orenstein. My understanding of the policy is that you must tag your stuff if it has content so it cannot be seen by those who have left their filters up. If you do not tag after being asked to, you are nipsa'd, which means all your work is tagged to be filtered, regardless of content. So, did you tag? If not, why weren't you just nipsa'd? This is the first I've heard of someone being deleted.
Posted 81 seconds ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
I am Sorry Gail.
These should not happen.
Perhaps again "The System Issues"!!
Look just after Sept 25, 2005 my account have been re-instated after 20 hours of suspension. Because I have too many contacts within 5 months!!
Call me a liar!! the gangsters using FXXX to me & my daughter; openly said there is no human rights for me, no freedom; no respect of individual; they vote me out!! There is not demoncracy for me......
I swallow.... Then my account continue to be NIPSA , I not even aware of such term till Mar 8, Billy told me about the term.
But I did get feedback from contacts & friends that they cannot search for me on flickr & my contacts have been deleted by the "System".
Mar 4th , 2007 is the 1st time I use Artsy Nudes & is is a sihoulette of the back of the pic, but I am served a warning email saying I post frontal Nudes & expose genital.....
I have been grown up in the Ironman hand from baby time, when I return to Asia, my artsy nudes books were confiscated at the custom,
Even I appeal to the Minister of Art & his boss - the Ironman , I still cannot get back the manuals. As the custom officers already cover their track.
Although as a American now, I am still live my the habbits & fear, also the principle of against porn & exposing genital part taking a deep roots into me. Therefore, I have not post such pics on the internet nor promoting otherwise.
So the culture & facts is clear & deep in the conscious & sub-conscious mind!!
One thing I am sure the Legend Guru Said:
If one going to find a bone in a Tofu, it can be done so!!
Another saying is:
Hatred is Created by person.
There is a Loaner & There is a Borrower.
So once you understand the wisdom then you understand that the real reason & the being behind.
In the contacts of here, we are just a sub-domain under the provider of the services.
The events happening is just a nature of Gurus' wisdom revisited in our life time.
We shall be re-examing ourself & the future like the water than the rock!!
May I qoute Lao Zi Say:
The most Peaceful & honest things is Water!!
My apologist for saying to much here & I am sorry about the situation we are in!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
CharlieBrown8989 flickr Inspector = 965 flickr contacts
CharlieBrown8989 flickr Inspector = 965 flickr contacts
This is the screenshot taken today!!
The 10,XXX contacts show on fd flickr toys are ??????
These have been inform to flickr team atleast 2 Occassions.
On the flickr inspector list of contacts 90% of them I not even know them.
They are believed to be death lists.
I have not signed up any contacts except may be 80 of them which worth for me to write Testimonials.
Those real contacts are deleted by the "System"
Uploaded by CharlieBrown8989
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
On average I fave
26 - 30 photos
Now per image that I can enter to view is 1-2 min.
High Speed ATT Yahoo DSL have been used.
So I have reason to believe that some technical bugs have been planted.
Posted 38 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
On the Contacts
I have not us added any new except approx 80's worth for me to write Testimonials.
I have requested the "Team" for help to delete the "Dead List" instead the active contacts have been deleted.
& it is a continue process.
Friday, April 13, 2007
DEAD!! can anyone see my pics??? it appears to be "safe" to look at a child dying rather than boobies?
DEAD!! can anyone see my pics??? it appears to be "safe" to look at a child dying rather than boobies?, originally uploaded by Gail Orenstein.
Posted 11 hours ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
Gail Orenstein
Looking at this pic, from my inner soul. It tells me that this deceased person is not dying on the natural cause!!
Perhaps, the System God felt that this is a great post to tell & show the netcitizen, as the old Chinese proverd by the Empoeror said:
Those who with me would be alive!!
Those who against Me Would receive The same faith!!
That is just in time for the entrance to the Chinese Market. However, it have been carry out in the homeland for over 2 years already.
Eventhough a person is helpping for the good cause but not in their camp!!
As the western saying, those who hold the key make the rules!!
On the light side & philosophical; perhaps is encouraging people to practise Gotama saying:
Birth is Suffering!!
Death is A transition To the New Birth!!
Birth follows By Death!!
Death follows By Birth!!
But in this place , a new born baby already commited sin because of the Medical doctors & health authority is promoting Breast feeding!!
Imperialism still rules.
Only the Emperor can have 3 palaces, 72 colleges & 7,200 most pretty women in the Nation & have fun & XXX. These have been recorded in the Chinese & Indian history!! I need not to say further.
Imperialism still Alives!!
read more here:
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Flickrs new filtering sytem panders to Chinese censorship market? Reason for change-profits and Censorship? Yahoo annouces today launch of Chinese version of FLICKR-China censors online information it deems politically sensitive.Flickr expects ten-million
Flickrs new filtering sytem panders to Chinese censorship market? Reason for change-profits and Censorship? Yahoo annouces today launch of Chinese version of FLICKR-China censors online information it deems politically sensitive.Flickr expects ten-million, originally uploaded by Gail Orenstein.
photo added to the group.
Posted 31 minutes ago. ( permalink )
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CharlieBrown8989 says: name reply / icon reply
"Your account has been reviewed as moderate by Flickr staff. (What does that mean?)
CharlieBrown8989's Most Interesting Images for 21 Months On flickr
The following Image Explain About the View Rates"
CharlieBrown8989's Most Viewed Images for 24 Months On flickr
As I understand, China have their own filtering system on the Net. Nudes Art is not block in China. Pornographies Yes, is illegal, the offender can be sentence to death as I believe. If an US or European Union based company have been enlisted by China to work on the security & filtering system for China.
Alibaba is controling over the Yahoo China, in outside of China, it is not under the juridiction of China to Control over the Internet sensorship or news media security issue.
(China as a giant, they know that. China would never want to behave a giant bully a minor like what is happening here. It is also not their Culture & Moral value, For what I understand during my various talk at all level on Internet issue they said they have enough issues to work out then eating other people food!! or step into other foots!!)
If a foreigner or foreign company have been enlisted by China to work on the China interest,
Then that would be the interest of the US State Dept & Cocom to investigate & enforce the Nation & Home Land security of this nation.
The whole truth is on here, even you set it to Safe:off, the Systems team still can & have the authority to set in to whatever classification they like!!
I have contacts from all over including the free world that they cannot search for me on flickr search. Contatcs have written to flickr on these. But so what?? This is not new. These have been happening far before I conduct my research & study on Artsy Nudes on here say 6 weeks ago!!
The facts & truth is clear that the imperialism still rules!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Flickrs new filtering sytem panders to Chinese censorship market? Reason for change-profits and Censorship? Yahoo annouces today launch of Chinese ver
Flickrs new filtering sytem panders to Chinese censorship market? Reason for change-profits and Censorship? Yahoo annouces today launch of Chinese version of FLICKR-China censors online information it deems politically sensitive.Flickr expects ten-million
The following is my comments on the above:
I received warning again today. | |
| CharlieBrown8989 |
Please click on the link to read more comments.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Natalia Oreiro 4 - G. H. act again!!
I have cover the topics of egangster & ehooligan sometime ago.
Recently, my site have been block by flickr for reasons of their own.
These is not the 1st event for my sincere, loyalty to support them, in return that is what I get!!
Billy Warhol & e10 are very kind to stand by me & given me all the spiritual support.
My appreciation to both.
Natalia Oreiro 4
Natalia Origi: www.mybloglog.com/buzz/members/ilkeryoldas/pics/
Sunday, March 18, 2007
BillyWarhol RocketBoy
BillyWarhol RocketBoy
Why are there people who seem to attract unlimited wealth into their lives, while others, equally as capable or talented or worthy, suffer from poverty and lack?
As you'll discover it has nothing to do with education, status, talent, environment, intellectual ability, physical prowess, or geography.
"The Secret" Provides Everything To Those That Are Ready...
Are You Ready For "The Secret"?
* Are you ready to walk out of "your" situation on your own two feet?
* Are you ready to significantly "upgrade" your living situation?
* Are you ready to make drastic changes to your environment?
* Are you ready to receive the abundance that surrounds you, that has
always been just out of reach?
* Are you ready to achieve the life-long, loyal and loving relationships
that you deserve?
* Are you ready to receive all the things you have always passionately
desired and never achieved?
All of these things are possible with "The Secret"...
...you can become a "magnet" that uses the "laws of attraction" to pull
in all the things you desire, crave and yearn for every single day.
Uploaded by BillyWarhol on 15 Mar '07, 5.06am PDT.
Read more by clicking the picture for other comments.