Today, I have been informed my Markus that, he found my images have been stolen by
There are help forum on flickr covering these.
However, till now, flickr staff said they are "looking at It"
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 Steal CharlieBrown8989 Works from - 2
Monday, June 18, 2007
Yahoo's Semel Resigns as Chief Amid Google's Gains (Update2)
Yahoo's Semel Resigns as Chief Amid Google's Gains (Update2)
By Jonathan Thaw
June 18 (Bloomberg) -- Yahoo! Inc. Chief Executive Officer Terry Semel, who revived the company after the Internet bust before being surpassed by Google Inc., stepped down.
The stock gained 4 percent after Yahoo named co-founder Jerry Yang its CEO and said Susan Decker, who had been an executive vice president, will become president. Semel, 64, will be chairman, Yahoo said in a statement today.
This is expected, when I covering my opinion about the flickr censorship & No action from Terry Semel.
In the field of Business & eBusiness & eCommerce, there is no difference in priciple actually.
"Customers" is still the key for the success. It is unwise to get into both the company & the national political issues.
They should work things on the professional & ethical level.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
flickr members are Minority!! - Yahoo Result for Year 2006
Yahoo cash reserve: US$ 1.57 Billion (2006)
Yahoo total assets: US$ 11.51 Billion (2006)
Yahoo working capital: US$ 2.28 Billion (2006)
Yahoo CEO salary package last year: more than US107 million (or $274,000 per day)
Yes flickr member be it me or even the country that who are on the front line of protest - Germany are minority.
I have attended the Google University online, Google estimate that the cost per click for user when clicking on the adv. is
All search engine rely on the customer eyes balls & clicking to get revenue.
Beside that , the flickr user contributing their contains online become the assets for Yahoo-flickr to define their digital real Estate spaces net worth. Which the contributor have got nothing in return.
In my over 2 years of posting on flickr, I am yet to find a contact really help me for the real income generation.
However, in the 60's & 70's I do found that the tradition clan or Business networking Association really help each other to brings in income.
So that is where eCommunity development is still not exactly what i sounded during the meet 90's on the G8 Worldwide Electronic Market place & The CommerceNet.
THE FLICK UNIVERSE HAS YOU BLOCKED!! NO ONE CAN SEE YOUR STUFF!!! Revolt Over Flickr Image Restrictions in developed countires-its not just China-GERMANY AND S. KOREANS OUTRAGED!!!!
THE FLICK UNIVERSE HAS YOU BLOCKED!! NO ONE CAN SEE YOUR STUFF!!! Revolt Over Flickr Image Restrictions in developed countires-its not just China-GERMANY AND S. KOREANS OUTRAGED!!!!
It was supposed to be simple. Riding on the success of its U.S.-based photo-sharing site Flickr, Yahoo rolled out country-specific versions of its site in order to bring its popular photo-sharing community to users in their native languages.
But when the sites went live in Germany, Korea and Singapore, something was wrong. Users in these countries saw a different version of Flickr--one where the content filters were locked on "Safe," preventing access to content flagged "Moderate" or "Restricted."
There was no warning on the company blog. No message to the users. And now what seemed like a straightforward move towards expansion has snowballed into one of the largest user revolts the site has ever seen.
Most of the ire has stemmed from German users. With photos displaying everything from artistic nudes to historic Nazi memorabilia getting the axe, its users have been the most vocal about Flickr's recent move. But what started as puzzlement quickly turned to confusion and anger.
The site has fairly clear guidelines as to how content is filtered. So why weren't its users (many of whom are consenting adults) allowed to control the filters? For the first day this question remained unanswered from the site's management.
"I just have carefully read [the Flickr ToS], line by line," remarked a Flickr user in an online forum, "and I found no hint about what may cause this to happen. I can only assume that there is someone running mad. And I demand a clear and lucid explanation by Flickr staff."
Meanwhile, the revolt went into full swing as German users began uploading literally thousands of anti-Flickr pictures over the course of the first 24 hours. As pictures continued to pop up under the tag "thinkflickrthink," uneasiness started to set in amongst the users. How long was Flickr going to go without addressing this?
News came on Wednesday by way of a statement from Flickr's cofounder Stewart Butterfield: "We really apologize for the delay in responding to these threads. ... We have absolutely no intention of censoring the content on the community's behalf. It is always been our intention that Flickr members participate to whatever extent they want and are as free as possible create their own experience.."
Although this statement showed that the issue was finally on Flickr's radar, German users still felt that the site's actions lacked a motive. It wasn't until Thursday that Community Manager, Heather Champ went on the record to state Flickr's case: "The central problem is that Germany has much more stringent age verification laws than its neighboring countries," she said. She went on to describe the risks of breaking these laws as "much harsher penalties, including jail time, for those with direct responsibility."
Even if Flickr's moves stem from legal concerns, its cardinal sin has less to do with legality and more with communication. Limiting the expression of your users is something that could be feasibly tolerated--given that a temporary timetable and viable reason are cited. But when the user base is left in the dark, and it happens to be a large, well-connected community equipped with the ability to broadcast its message quickly, the stakes are raised. When Digg faced a similar scenario in May, it was Kevin Rose's address to the users that helped quell the HD DVD rebellion. In the case of Flickr, this same type of transparency will need to be employed to prevent its community from scattering.
Flickr officials have not responded to Wired News' requests for comment, other than to point out the statements they have already made on the public forums.
Photo: vanson
Uploaded by gailorenstein on 17 Jun 07, 2.45AM PDT.
spacer image
Compose your blog entry
Your Post:
As the 6,000 years old Chinese Saying:
Evils Would Not Win Over Righteous!!
Rock Will Not Win Over Water!!
The Western Saying
Without Adam & Without Eve
There are No Men & Women Today!!
Water is 75% in Our Body!!
Water is 75% on Earth!!
When Gail & those individual flickr site have been deleted, suspended or blocked.. That is just few individual.
However, with the recent events & the eCommunity era Informations flow like water, then one shall see the effect of it.
The Kuwait War is not won by military actions, it is won by the Informations war & High Tech Star War!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Flickr = Censorship
The following is from Thomas Hawk:
Flickr = Censorship
[I'm CEO of Zooomr]
Well it is with great disappointment that I found myself yet again a victim of censorship on Flickr. Earlier today while engaging in a debate about Flickr's recent censorship in Germany I had over a dozen of my comments permanently deleted out of a debate by Flickr staff.
You can see the references to my involvement in the debate here and here among other places.
It's ironic that of all places that Flickr would choose to censor me would be in a thread protesting their censorship. And without any warning even or explanation.
This is not the first time I've been censored by Flickr.
The points that I was making in my debate about censorship on Flickr had a lot to do with what I see as problems at Yahoo. The fact that their CEO is the highest paid CEO in the United States, the fact that Yahoo 2 days ago rejected an important shareholder proposal denouncing censorship. And yes this most recent issue of censorship where people in Germany can only access Flickr in "safe mode."
Now some might say that it's not right for me as a competitor to Yahoo to be critical of their practices. But let me point you to the screen shot above. It comes from Flickr employee Dunstan Orchard's public zipline on Zooomr. Dunstan and other Flickr employees have been on Zooomr disparaging our site for the past week. So to me it seems a tad hypocritical that when I legitimately object to censorship on Flickr that I would have my words censored, while Flickr staff seems to feel that it's perfectly appropriate to disparage Zooomr over at Zooomr.
It's not right. And what Flickr doesn't understand is that by censoring your critic you only make him stronger. I'm sure it's probably only a matter of time before I get kicked off of Flickr entirely. All my photographs destroyed and deleted as well. Over 40,000 comments from many good friends.
This is the difference though between me and Flickr. When Dunstan and other Flickr employees disparaged Zooomr I let their words stand. Rather than censor them, I took the high road and did not. Meanwhile Flickr continues to build a name for itself: Flickr = censorship. Silencing me will not change this and it's a sad state of affairs to see happen to the Flickr that I once loved so much and that even now professes to "love me" on the little icon above my page.
Censorship is borne out of fear and weakness. This is something always to remember.
Uploaded by Thomas Hawk on 14 Jun 07, 3.24AM PDT.
The following is my comments:
I have been a supporter of flickr like TH all along. Although I have a Zooomr account, but I am not too active.
To me, These events are a history repeated by itself of flickr-Yahoo.
Yahoo - flickr = Yahoo!
TH is a user of flickr. However, flickr have the Supreme God & goddess. Whom decide who should be censored; block or deleted...etc.
I have experience that since Sept 29, 2005 till today.
To me flickr is a great photo management community, but over time the Power - politics seem to be happening in both internal & external which are the "customers".
If the management on the top is assuming the imperialism management or authoritarian style then e-gangsterism or e-hooliganism would born naturally.
TH is good heart by sounding out for flickr to improve. It means well & good. However, that is not really appreciated as my earlier experiences.
Perhaps it is the same as what I have been served & f-team God think that it is a threat to their existence.
Especially, TH have commented at his own flickr. Which they have the power to do what they want. Anytime a violating the TOS can just created. & then they can exercise their power.
flickr junior staffs messing at Zooomr site are totally un-professional in the web2.0 era.
In my opinion, Yahoo CEO Terry Semel should need to come forward to the front to assume the leadership to iron out those censorship issue including Germany, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea & also those blockage, suspensions, deletions, harassments; oppressions; bully to the Yahoo customers..etc. before it is too late.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
flickr sperrt uns aus! Und auch dich!
Seit gestern werden für deutsche Nutzer keine Bilder mehr angezeigt, die als 'moderate' oder 'restricted' markiert sind! Es gibt keine Möglichkeit das umzustellen - das ist eine grobe Unverschämtheit und Frechheit von flickr!
Lade dieses Bild runter und poste es in deinem Account! Lass uns das Bild überall auf flickr verteilen und es in 'Interestingness' heben!! So geht es nicht!
Original Version:
Weitere Infos:
If your Yahoo! ID is based in Singapore, Germany, Hong Kong or Korea you will only be able to view safe content based on your local Terms of Service so won’t be able to turn SafeSearch off. In other words, german users can not access photos on flickr that are not flagged "safe" ... only flowers and landscapes for germans ...Copy and upload this picture to your account - show flickr who we are!
Uploaded by HamburgerJung on 13 Jun 07, 10.09AM PDT.